Top Tips for Spotting a Dangerous Tree

Trees are considered some of the most harmless things to ever exist on our land. Although that is the case, it is possible for them to be hazardous and even cause injury to someone or a person’s death. It can be as a result of the natural force of nature or even simple negligence on one’s part. As a homeowner, you want trees to be friends and not enemies. Thus, before a tree can cause harm, it is good to figure out whether it is safe in your backyard, and it is not an accident waiting to happen.

It does not matter how healthy a tree seems to be; it is vital to understand that it can be vulnerable to damage as a result of ice storms, natural occurrences, and heavy rainfall. Ensure you monitor your tree every season. The following are ways to spot a dangerous tree in your home.

Assess the Overall Tree

When assessing the tree, you should start by positioning yourself where you can have a look at the entire tree. Check whether the tree is leaning in a single direction. Does it have dead branches? Do its leaves fall prematurely? If the answers to these questions are yes, then you should contact a tree service company. They will inspect the tree for any dangers and will recommend the right solution to your problem.

Ground Inspection

After the overall assessment of the physical state of the tree, you should take note of the ground when it is planted. There is a need to watch for the root system and ensure it is in excellent health. You should note that the tree has two types of roots: absorbing roots and anchoring roots. The anchoring roots are the ones that provide structural support to the tree. Also, if the tree has decaying roots, then you have a reason to worry. That is because even if the upper part of the tree looks healthy when the root system is compromised, your tree is likely to fall off anytime.

Trunk Inspection

When you suspect that there is something wrong with your tree, there is a need to take adequate time to assess its trunk. Presence of cavities or cracks in the tree can mean it will split any given time. Check where the crack is located. If the bark is falling off, that is a sign of dead segment or fungus infection. In such a case, your tree requires treatment or removal.