<%@ Language = "VBScript" %> <% Option Explicit Dim cnnLogin Dim rstLogin Dim strEmail Dim strSQL Dim strDBPath Dim strConnString %> Public Input Survey <% If Request.Form("action") <> "validate_login" Then %>
  Public Input Form                     

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Your comments are important to us...

The Pennsylvania Biodiversity Partnership, a public-private partnership, is coordinating the development of a statewide plan for biodiversity conservation with an expected completion date of 2005.  We are presently collecting information from stakeholders throughout Pennsylvania about issues of interest and concern regarding Pennsylvania's unique natural resources. Your opinions are a vital part of this effort to establish a blueprint for the future.  Please share your thoughts with us on key issues affecting our native animals, plants, and habitats.

Biodiversity is the variety of species, their genetic make-up, and the natural communities in which they occur.

The Pennsylvania Biodiversity Conservation Plan will

  1. be statewide in scope
  2. include regional issues; and
  3. cover all aspects relating to biodiversity, including threats to native species and their habitats; educational resources; best management practices; laws and policies; funding sources, etc.

Go to Form

<% Dim record, rec1, records Dim count, i, j Dim maxcount Dim allrec(50) Dim qstring(50) Dim temp, temp2, recTitle(50) Else ' DATABASE CONNECTION STRINGS, CHOOSE DEPENDING ON APPLICATION ' MySQL Database OLEDB CONN String. ' strConnString = "Provider= MySQLProv; Data Source=metadata; User Id=pabio; Password=lawrencevill" ' ODBC Driver For MySQL (via MyODBC) - Local database strConnString = "Driver={mySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; Server=localhost; Option=16834; Database=metadata;" ' ODBC Driver For MySQL (via MyODBC) - Remote database ' strConnString = "Driver={mySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; Server=db1.database.com; Port=3306; Option=131072; Stmt=; Database=mydb; Uid=myUsername; Pwd=myPassword" ' For MS Access database ' strDBPath = Server.MapPath("metadata.mdb") ' strConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strDBPath & ";" strSQL = "SELECT * FROM metadata " _ & "WHERE ContEmail='" & Replace(Request.Form("email"), "'", "''") & "' " _ & "OR DEEmail='" & Replace(Request.Form("email"), "'", "''") & "';" Set cnnLogin = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") cnnLogin.Open strConnString Set rstLogin = cnnLogin.Execute(strSQL) ' stores the first record id for the correct e-mail login %> <% rec1 = rstLogin("ID").Value If NOT rstLogin.EOF Then count = 0 record = "" temp = "" j = 0 ' finds the number of records that match the entered e-mail address rstLogin.MoveFirst Do While NOT rstLogin.EOF If rstLogin("ContEmail") = Request.Form("email") OR rstLogin("DEEmail") = Request.Form("email") Then If records = "" Then records = rstLogin("ID").Value temp2 = rstLogin("Title").Value Else records = records & "," & rstLogin("ID").Value temp2 = temp2 & ";" & rstLogin("Title").Value End If If temp = "" Then temp = "?id=" & rstLogin("ID").Value & "&title;=" & rstLogin("Title").Value & "&summary;=" & rstLogin("Summary").Value & "&keywords;=" & rstLogin("Keywords").Value & "&taxon;=" & rstLogin("Taxon").Value &_ "&spectaxon;=" & rstLogin("SpecTaxon").Value & "&class;=" & rstLogin("Class").Value & "ℴ=" & rstLogin("SOrder").Value & "&family;=" & rstLogin("Family").Value &_ "&genus;=" & rstLogin("Genus").Value & "&species;=" & rstLogin("Species").Value & "&aquaterr;=" & rstLogin("AquaTerr").Value & "&ecotype;=" & rstLogin("EcoType").Value &_ "&startdate;=" & rstLogin("StartDate").Value & "&enddate;=" & rstLogin("EndDate").Value & "&status;=" & rstLogin("Status").Value & "&updmntsched;=" & rstLogin("UpdMntSched").Value &_ "&georegion;=" & rstLogin("GeoRegion").Value & "&county;=" & rstLogin("County").Value & "&physprov;=" & rstLogin("PhysProv").Value & "&percgeo;=" & rstLogin("PercGeo").Value &_ "&percfield;=" & rstLogin("PercField").Value & "&percint;=" & rstLogin("PercInt").Value & "&percgps;=" & rstLogin("PercGPS").Value & "&percpaper;=" & rstLogin("PercPaper").Value &_ "&percelec;=" & rstLogin("PercElec").Value & "&percimg;=" & rstLogin("PercImg").Value & "&precprsp;=" & rstLogin("PercPrSp").Value & "&records;=" & rstLogin("Records").Value &_ "&speciesnum;=" & rstLogin("SpeciesNum").Value & "&howspec;=" & rstLogin("HowSpec").Value & "&size;=" & rstLogin("QSize").Value & "&platform;=" & rstLogin("Platform").Value &_ "&url;=" & rstLogin("URL").Value & "&usecont;=" & rstLogin("UseCont").Value & "&distribution;=" & rstLogin("Distribution").Value & "&isfee;=" & rstLogin("IsFee").Value &_ "&fee;=" & rstLogin("Fee").Value & "&canshare;=" & rstLogin("CanShare").Value & "&cit;=" & rstLogin("Cit").Value & "&prefix;=" & rstLogin("Prefix").Value & "&firstname;=" &_ rstLogin("first_name").Value & "&mi;=" & rstLogin("MI").Value & "&lastname;=" & rstLogin("last_name").Value & "&jobdesc;=" & rstLogin("JobDesc").Value & "&contorg;=" &_ rstLogin("ContOrg").Value & "&contemail;=" & rstLogin("ContEmail").Value & "&contphone;=" & rstLogin("ContPhone").Value & "&ext;=" & rstLogin("Ext").Value & "&today;=" &_ rstLogin("Today").Value & "&areptct;=" & rstLogin("ArePtCt").Value & "&prefix2;=" & rstLogin("Prefix2").Value & "&fname;=" & rstLogin("f_name").Value & "&mi2;=" & rstLogin("MI2").Value &_ "&lname;=" & rstLogin("l_name").Value & "&jobdesc2;=" & rstLogin("JobDesc2").Value & "&deorg;=" & rstLogin("DEOrg").Value & "&deemail;=" & rstLogin("DEEmail").Value & _ "&dephone;=" & rstLogin("DEPhone").Value & "&ext2;=" & rstLogin("Ext2").Value & "&coninfy;=" & rstLogin("ConInfY").Value & "&coninfn;=" & rstLogin("ConInfN").Value & _ "&inquirey;=" & rstLogin("InquireY").Value & "&inquiren;=" & rstLogin("InquireN").Value & "&lastupdated;=" & rstLogin("LastUpdated").Value Else temp = temp & ";" & "?id=" & rstLogin("ID").Value & "&title;=" & rstLogin("Title").Value & "&summary;=" & rstLogin("Summary").Value & "&keywords;=" & rstLogin("Keywords").Value & "&taxon;=" & rstLogin("Taxon").Value &_ "&spectaxon;=" & rstLogin("SpecTaxon").Value & "&class;=" & rstLogin("Class").Value & "ℴ=" & rstLogin("SOrder").Value & "&family;=" & rstLogin("Family").Value &_ "&genus;=" & rstLogin("Genus").Value & "&species;=" & rstLogin("Species").Value & "&aquaterr;=" & rstLogin("AquaTerr").Value & "&ecotype;=" & rstLogin("EcoType").Value &_ "&startdate;=" & rstLogin("StartDate").Value & "&enddate;=" & rstLogin("EndDate").Value & "&status;=" & rstLogin("Status").Value & "&updmntsched;=" & rstLogin("UpdMntSched").Value &_ "&georegion;=" & rstLogin("GeoRegion").Value & "&county;=" & rstLogin("County").Value & "&physprov;=" & rstLogin("PhysProv").Value & "&percgeo;=" & rstLogin("PercGeo").Value &_ "&percfield;=" & rstLogin("PercField").Value & "&percint;=" & rstLogin("PercInt").Value & "&percgps;=" & rstLogin("PercGPS").Value & "&percpaper;=" & rstLogin("PercPaper").Value &_ "&percelec;=" & rstLogin("PercElec").Value & "&percimg;=" & rstLogin("PercImg").Value & "&precprsp;=" & rstLogin("PercPrSp").Value & "&records;=" & rstLogin("Records").Value &_ "&speciesnum;=" & rstLogin("SpeciesNum").Value & "&howspec;=" & rstLogin("HowSpec").Value & "&size;=" & rstLogin("QSize").Value & "&platform;=" & rstLogin("Platform").Value &_ "&url;=" & rstLogin("URL").Value & "&usecont;=" & rstLogin("UseCont").Value & "&distribution;=" & rstLogin("Distribution").Value & "&isfee;=" & rstLogin("IsFee").Value &_ "&fee;=" & rstLogin("Fee").Value & "&canshare;=" & rstLogin("CanShare").Value & "&cit;=" & rstLogin("Cit").Value & "&prefix;=" & rstLogin("Prefix").Value & "&firstname;=" &_ rstLogin("first_name").Value & "&mi;=" & rstLogin("MI").Value & "&lastname;=" & rstLogin("last_name").Value & "&jobdesc;=" & rstLogin("JobDesc").Value & "&contorg;=" &_ rstLogin("ContOrg").Value & "&contemail;=" & rstLogin("ContEmail").Value & "&contphone;=" & rstLogin("ContPhone").Value & "&ext;=" & rstLogin("Ext").Value & "&today;=" &_ rstLogin("Today").Value & "&areptct;=" & rstLogin("ArePtCt").Value & "&prefix2;=" & rstLogin("Prefix2").Value & "&fname;=" & rstLogin("f_name").Value & "&mi2;=" & rstLogin("MI2").Value &_ "&lname;=" & rstLogin("l_name").Value & "&jobdesc2;=" & rstLogin("JobDesc2").Value & "&deorg;=" & rstLogin("DEOrg").Value & "&deemail;=" & rstLogin("DEEmail").Value & _ "&dephone;=" & rstLogin("DEPhone").Value & "&ext2;=" & rstLogin("Ext2").Value & "&coninfy;=" & rstLogin("ConInfY").Value & "&coninfn;=" & rstLogin("ConInfN").Value & _ "&inquirey;=" & rstLogin("InquireY").Value & "&inquiren;=" & rstLogin("InquireN").Value & "&lastupdated;=" & rstLogin("LastUpdated").Value End If count = count + 1 j = j + 1 End If rstLogin.MoveNext Loop allrec = split(records,",") qstring = split(temp,";") recTitle = split(temp2,";") maxcount = count %>
<% 'Response.End End If ' Clean Up rstLogin.Close Set rstLogin = Nothing cnnLogin.Close Set cnnLogin = Nothing End If %>








Last Updated:  10/04/2003

  1. https://www.frankvanaken.com/
  2. https://www.ecopracticum.com/
  3. https://www.maximaphiles-francais.org/
  4. https://alisonjohnsonmcs.com/
  5. https://www.namicentralvirginia.org/
  6. https://burningbridgescomedyclub.com/
  7. https://www.unikomarcas.com/
  8. https://cranesmusic.com/
  9. https://www.utena20th-event.com/
  10. https://www.essenzasalonspa.com/
  11. https://www.nymic.org/
  12. https://zorbas-kitchen.com/
  13. https://rocolugo.com/
  14. https://topabermeo.com/
  15. https://www.boeart.org/
  16. https://darasard.com/
  17. https://www.forthenomads.org/
  18. https://wpctlh.org/
  19. https://seminariodeosma-soria.org/
  20. https://www.universaldesignssalon.com/
  21. https://www.elysiumofaz.com/
  22. https://concursoinnovate.com/
  23. https://sycamoreseniorcenter.org/
  24. https://www.internationalmedalist.org/
  25. https://www.standrewscny.org/
  26. https://www.wfgi.org/
  27. https://www.pabiodiversity.org/
  28. https://www.bellevueacneclinic.com/
  29. https://www.mediation-sanitaire.org/
  30. https://romainbayle-photographe.com/
  31. demo slot