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Biodiversity Partnership PABIODIV
Listserve |
Pennsylvania Biodiversity Listserve (PABIODIV) is a moderated e-mail
group focused on biodiversity issues in Pennsylvania. PABIODIV is
intended to promote discussion of topics related to Pennsylvania's
biodiversity, including scientific and technical issues, legal and
public policy dimensions, education, land stewardship, and information
exchange. All viewpoints are welcome. |
will be reviewed by a moderator. To be distributed to the list,
messages must adhere to the following: |
• |
to the topic of Pennsylvania biodiversity |
• |
Are of general
interest (i.e., not directed to a single individual) |
• |
Do not contain
commercial content |
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Do not contain
inappropriate material |
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Do not contain
derogatory statements against individuals or groups |
• |
Do not contain
statements that can be construed as campaining for a
political candidate or lobbying for a piece of ledgislation
are limited to a maximum of ten per day. All messages must contain
the sender's full name correct email address, affiliation if any,
and an informative subject line. Messages that forward information
from other emails or from published or posted articles must indicate
the source of the information (original sender, webpage, publication).
Messages that forward published articles will be acceptable to the
list only if they include a statement of permission from the copyright
holder. Messages that summarize the article and provide a link to
a full version that is posted to the web are acceptable without
a copyright permission statement. Messages containing forwarded
articles should include a brief statement explaining the article's
relevance to conservation of Pennsylvania's biodiversity. Because
the host computer cannot send attachments to PABIODIV subscribers,
all information should be included in the body of the email. |
listserve is hosted by the Allegheny Institute of Natural History,
University of Pittsburgh-Bradford and is moderated by the Pennsylvania
Biodiversity Partnership. The primary list moderator is Dr. Ken
Klemow, Professor of Biology at Wilkes University and Chair of PBP's
Biodiversity Informatics Task Force. The moderator reserves the
right to remove formatting tags and improve readability of messages
passing through the host computer. The moderator will not edit messages
for grammar, spelling, or content. |
can subscribe to the list by sending the message "subscribe
pabiodiv" (no quotations needed) to [email protected].
To recieve a welcome message, type "intro PABIODIV" (no
quotations needed) on the second line of the body of the message.
You will receive a message from the University of Pittsburgh-Bradford
server informing you that your name has been submitted to the moderator
for approval. After being added to the list, you will receive the
welcoming e-mail message containing a general list of guidelines. |
intended for all PABIODIV subscribers should be submitted to [email protected].
All messages must contain a valid return address and an informative
subject line. |
To unsubscribe
from the list, send the message "unsubscribe PABIODIV"
(no quotations needed) to: [email protected] |
Archive |
messages distributed by PABIODIV are archived periodically and made
available through the links below. |
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Archive 2007 |
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Archive 2006 |
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Archive 2005 |
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Archive 2004 |
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Archive 2003 |
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Archive 2002 |
Contact Information |
moderator: Dr. Ken Klemow, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18766.
Phone: (570) 408-4758. Email: [email protected] |